2020-21 Gender-Based Analysis Plus

General information
Governance structures MPCC has identified a Champion for GBA+ and encouraged employees to complete GBA+ training. A draft implementation strategy will be presented to the Executive Committee for approval this fiscal year.
Human resources Not applicable. As a micro-agency, other than identifying a Champion for GBA+ the MPCC does not have the resources to have a dedicated resource to GBA+.
Planned Initiatives

Strengthening evidence base and expertise

This fiscal year, the MPCC will work on strengthening evidence base and expertise by engaging the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (CFPM) on the collection of statistical data that could be used to facilitate the consideration of GBA+ factors in the review of conduct and interference complaints.

The MPCC will also start to map available information and statistical data that is related to GBA+ factors.

Build Departmental Capacity

Mandatory GBA+ training will help develop officials’ analytical competencies, increasing their awareness about gender-related issues and helping to ensure that analyses are grounded in theory and knowledge. Online training offered by the Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) will satisfy the requirement.

To support this goal, all employees of the MPCC will complete by March 31st, 2021 the CSPS online training “Introduction to Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) (B001)”.

In 2020‑21, the MPCC will also start integrating it its staffing process a review of GBA+ factors to determine if the assessment process has a different impact on certain segments of the applicants and to identify remedial actions if required.

Reporting capacity and data The Independent oversight of the Military Police program does not currently gather GBA+ data.
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