2021‑22 Gender-Based Analysis Plus

General information
Governance structures The Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada (MPCC) has identified a Champion for Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) who reports to the Executive Committee on the progress of the strategy on a quarterly basis.
Human resources Not applicable. As a micro-agency, other than identifying a Champion for GBA+ the MPCC does not have the resources to have a dedicated resource to GBA+.
Planned initiatives

This fiscal year, the MPCC will work on strengthening evidence base and expertise by presenting to the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (CFPM) a list of GBA+ factors it proposes to start additionally tracking in its complaint review process.

The MPCC will also implement administrative procedures and system implementation to allow for the tracking of identified GBA+ factors.

Reporting capacity and data The Independent oversight of the Military Police program will be developing its reporting capacity and data over the next fiscal year.
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