2022‑23 Gender-Based Analysis Plus

General information
Institutional Gender-Based Analysis (GBA) Plus Capacity
The MPCC launched a three-year GBA Plus Strategy in 2020‑21 in order to build departmental capacity and increase accountability in this area. The strategy includes mandatory GBA Plus training, the identification of a Champion and a plan for the identification of evidence-based indicators and the implementation of data gathering and analysis within the program.
Highlights of GBA Plus Results Reporting Capacity by Program
Complaints Resolution

The program currently collects insufficient GBA Plus data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity.

In 2021‑22, the MPCC conducted an environmental scan and analysis to identify potential GBA Plus indicators and engaged with stakeholders on the pertinence of such indicators.

In 2022‑23, the MPCC plans to Implement administrative procedures and system implementation to allow for the tracking of the identified GBA Plus factors.

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