2018‑19 Departmental Results Report

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The Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan
Minister of National Defence

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada, 2019.

Cat No. DP2-7E-PDF | ISSN 2560–9157

Table of contents

Chairperson's Message

Hilary C. McCormack, Chairperson

Hilary C. McCormack, Chairperson

I am pleased to present the Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada (MPCC)'s 2018‑19 Departmental Results Report.

We have recently completed a major revamping of the MPCC. The organization has been redesigned to strengthen monitoring mechanisms. There is a new executive structure to oversee the complaints process and staff and I am very optimistic about the expected benefits from all the work that went into developing the new structure.

The MPCC had identified as a priority the importance of timeliness in completing investigations, and has re-aligned many of its performance indicators in 2017‑18 to the timeliness of its responses. This Department Results Report is the first to report on our performance on those new indicators and I am pleased to report that we have outperformed all of our indicators in the performance of our mandate.

We greatly value the positive relationships we have with all stakeholders in the military justice system. Our outreach visits to Canadian Armed Forces Bases provide us the opportunity to explain the importance and benefits of civilian oversight. We welcome the questions and opinions of Military Police members and are keen to learn about their challenges. These informal interactions provide us with a better understanding of the context in which the Military Police work.

As an organization, we continue to strive to be a stigma-free work environment where we can openly discuss issues of diversity and mental health. As an employer of choice, the MPCC is committed to maintaining an environment where all employees feel welcome and safe. This has involved hosting workshops on mental health, acknowledging a diverse range of holidays and events and also ensuring that all employees could participate fully in National Public Service Week by adjusting events to take into account Eid al‑Fitr.

It goes without saying that the foundation of our work and our steady progression is due to the dedicated and highly professional MPCC staff. My thanks go out to each of these individuals whose commitment and perseverance are an ongoing source of pride and inspiration.

Original signed by

Hilary C. McCormack, LL.B.
Fellow Litigation Counsel of America

Results at a glance

The MPCC's total actual spending for 2018‑19 was $4,775,505.

The MPCC's total actual full-time equivalents for 2018‑19 was 28.


For more information on the Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada's plans, priorities and results achieved, see the “Results: what we achieved” section of this report.

Results: what we achieved

Core Responsibilities

Complaints Resolution


This program aims to successfully resolve complaints about the conduct of Military Police members as well as complaints about interference in Military Police investigations by overseeing and reviewing all complaints and requests for review. This program is necessary to help the Military Police to be as effective and as professional as possible in their policing duties and functions.

MPCC Recommendations that were implemented by the CFPM Group in 2018-19
  • That Military Police members set out fully and clearly the reasons why they have exercised their discretion to investigate a matter or decided not to do so.
  • That the CFPM updates military police training to emphasize the documentation requirement when exercising discretion to investigate.
  • That Military Police members verify that their Drug Recognition Expert kits are complete at all times.
  • That the Military Police ensure the accuracy of their note taking and that all police activities are recorded.

In 2018‑19, the MPCC continued to refine the planning and conduct of its investigations with a view to improving the overall timeliness of its investigations and ensured that the resources devoted to a file matched its complexity.

During 2018‑19, the MPCC performed oversight activities that fostered public trust in the Canadian Armed Forces Military Police and:

  • Published eight Final Reports and made six recommendations with the Military Police accepting over 83% of our recommendations;
  • Responded to 66 information requests from the general public, military personnel and complainants;
  • Responded within 48 hours to 97% of initial requests pertaining to complaint files.

The MPCC continued its Outreach Program to increase and maintain awareness, transparency and accountability in the complaints process. In the 2018‑19 fiscal year:

  • MPCC staff made multiple presentations to the Military Police Academy in Borden, Ontario; and to CAF Bases in Cold Lake, Alberta; Shilo and Winnipeg, Manitoba; Meaford, Ontario; and Gagetown, New Brunswick.
  • Participants' feedback remained positive with 100% positive responses on participant evaluations. Feedback received was used to continuously improve the content and style of presentations.

In addition, throughout the reporting year, the MPCC continued to develop a collaborative relationship with the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (CFPM), the Deputy Commander Canadian Forces Military Group / Professional Standards (DComd CF MP Gp/PS) and other senior Military Police staff to foster an environment that supports the acceptance and implementation of MPCC recommendations. This included holding bi-annual meetings between the two organisations to discuss process issues in an effort to improve the complaints process and facilitate disclosure requests to the MPCC.

Results achieved
Departmental results Performance indicators Target Date to achieve target 2018–19
Actual results
Actual results
Actual results
Final Reports provide sound findings and recommendations and are issued in a timely manner. Percentage of recommendations resulting from investigations of conduct or interference complaints are accepted by the responsible Department of National Defence authority (usually the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal). 70% March 31, 2019 83% N/Atable note * N/Atable note *
  Percentage of Final Decisions not overturned on Judicial Review. 70% March 31, 2019 100%table note ** N/Atable note * N/Atable note *
  Percentage of findings and recommendations issued in non-public interest cases within 18 months from the time disclosure is substantially received to the issuance of the interim report. It is recognized that there may be exceptionally complex cases which will not meet this indicator. 70% March 31, 2019 100% N/Atable note * N/Atable note *
Information requests pertaining to complaint files are responded to in a timely manner. Percentage of information requests initially responded to within 48 hours. 95% March 31, 2019 97% N/Atable note * N/Atable note *
Military Police and the public have access to current information on the issues addressed by the Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada. Quarterly website updates of Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada findings and recommendations through case summaries and Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada Final Reports in public interest cases. 4 March 31, 2019 4 N/Atable note * N/Atable note *
  Number of Outreach activities/presentations given on the mandate, roles and responsibilities of the Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada. 6 March 31, 2019 8 N/Atable note * N/Atable note *
  Percentage of presentations to stakeholder or target groups that were received positively. 70% March 31, 2019 100% N/Atable note * N/Atable note *
Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Main Estimates
Planned spending
Total authorities available for use
Actual spending
(authorities used)
(actual minus planned)
2,611,859 2,611,859 2,909,143 2,906,541 294,682
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalents)
Difference (actual minus planned)
15 14 (1)

Financial, human resources and performance information for the Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada's Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.

Internal Services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the federal government considers to be services in support of Programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refers to the activities and resources of the 10 distinct service categories that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. The 10 service categories are:

  • Acquisition Management Services
  • Communications Services
  • Financial Management Services
  • Human Resources Management Services
  • Information Management Services;
  • Information Technology Services
  • Legal Services
  • Materiel Management Services
  • Management and Oversight Services
  • Real Property Services


In 2018-19 the MPCC continued to support employee development through training and on-the-job learning. Over the last year, spending on training represented over 1.6% of personnel expenditures. This included language training and providing access to various learning and developmental opportunities such as coaching. The Commission continued to implement talent management plans for employees who surpassed their work objectives for the year and by providing acting opportunities to high performing employees.

During the reporting period, the MPCC raised awareness about the importance of mental health and wellbeing through quarterly conversations at all staff-meetings, the promotion of events and by introducing Informal Conflict Management Services to its available resources to employees.

The MPCC also continued to promote diversity and inclusion measures by providing Positive Space training to all its employees and celebrating diversity by highlighting key events throughout the year that were representative of its employees such as Black, Asian and Islamic history months.

The migration of corporate information to the new Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) continued throughout the year with the completion of the full transfer of records in the sectors of Financial Management Services, Information Management Services and Materiel Management Services. Work was delayed due to staff turnover, but continues, in the transfer of records for the sectors of Human Resources Management Services, Information Technology Services, Management and Oversight Services and Real Property Management Services.

During the period under review, the MPCC also established an Asset Management Plan to ensure a more rigorous management of information technology equipment and to help plan future investments.

Finally, the MPCC updated its human resource departmental policies and delegation instrument to reflect the New Direction in Staffing.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Main Estimates
Planned spending
Total authorities available for use
Actual spending
(authorities used)
(actual minus planned)
2,105,539 2,105,539 2,079,157 1,868,964 (236,575)
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalents)
Difference (actual minus planned)
14 14 0

Actual expenditures

Departmental Spending Trend Graph (dollars)
Spending 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Statutory 370,830 359,735 402,395 436,881 436,881 436,881
Voted 3,748,700 4,175,963 4,373,110 4,320,051 4,320,051 4,320,051
Total 4,119,530 4,535,698 4,775,505 4,756,932 4,756,932 4,756,932
Budgetary planning summary for Core Responsibilities and Internal Services (dollars)
Core Responsibilities and Internal Services 2018–19
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Total authorities available for use
Actual spending (authorities used)
Actual spending (authorities used)
Actual spending (authorities used)
Complaints Resolution 2,611,859 2,611,859 2,915,308 2,915,308 2,909,143 2,906,541 2,465,292 2,056,958
Subtotal 2,611,859 2,611,859 2,915,308 2,915,308 2,909,143 2,906,541 2,465,292 2,056,958
Internal Services 2,105,539 2,105,539 1,841,624 1,841,624 2,079,157 1,868,964 2,070,406 2,062,572
Total 4,717,398 4,717,398 4,756,932 4,756,932 4,988,300 4,775,505 4,535,698 4,119,530

The MPCC's overall spending increased in 2018‑19 compared to the previous year as a result of a significant increase in Personnel costs following the 2017‑18 fiscal year organizational restructuring and the organization being fully staffed for a portion of the year. There was also additional salary expenditures for retroactive payments related to the signing of several Collective Agreements. This is evident in 2018‑19 with an increase of $336K in Personnel costs compared to the previous year. FTE figures can be found in the Human resources summary table below.

There was also a significant increase in expenditures in 2018-19 for investigative services in the amount of $95K, mainly attributable to two current public interest investigations.

In addition, in 2018‑19 the MPCC saw a decrease in expenditures related to leasehold improvements ($68K) and acquisitions of equipment ($56K), mostly related to higher spending in 2017‑18 due to office renovations.

Actual human resources

Human resources summary for Core Responsibilities and Internal Services (full‑time equivalents)
Core Responsibilities and Internal Services 2016–17
Independent oversight of the Military Police 10 10 15 14 15 15
Subtotal 10 10 15 14 15 15
Internal Services 16 13 14 14 14 14
Total 26 23 29 28 29 29

Following the 2017‑18 fiscal year organizational restructuring, completed under the timeliness review exercise, the MPCC shifted resources from its Internal service function to the program function to better achieve its mandate. This resulted in an increased FTE count in the program function and a reduction of vacant positions in the Internal Services function.

Expenditures by vote

For information on the Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada's organizational voted and statutory expenditures, consult the Public Accounts of Canada 2018-2019.

Government of Canada spending and activities

Information on the alignment of the Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada's spending with the Government of Canada's spending and activities is available in the GC InfoBase.

Financial statements and financial statements highlights

Financial statements

The Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada's financial statements [unaudited] for the year ended March 31, 2019, are available on the departmental website.

Financial statements highlights

Condensed Statement of Operations (unaudited) for the year ended March 31, 2019 (dollars)
Financial information 2018–19
(2018–19 actual minus 2018–19 planned)
(2018–19 actual minus 2017–18 actual)
Total expenses 5,098,407 5,236,147 4,815,784 137,740 420,363
Total revenues 0 0 0 0 0
Net cost of operations before government funding and transfers 5,098,407 5,236,147 4,815,784 137,740 420,363

The MPCC's total expenses for 2018‑19 was higher than originally planned. This planned result figure is derived from the Main Estimates, which does not include additional funding received throughout the year such as the operating budget carry-forward and collective agreement funding. The planned result amount is monitored and updated throughout the year as funding is received.

When comparing actual results in 2018‑19 to the previous year, the MPCC saw a significant increase in expenses. The two main contributing factors were:

  • an increase in Personnel costs resulting from being fully staffed for a portion of the year following our organizational restructuring, and retroactive payments related to the signing of several Collective agreements;
  • an increase in expenditures related to investigative services as a result of two complex ongoing public interest investigations, which the MPCC was able to cash manage and not seek additional funding from TBS.
Condensed Statement of Financial Position (unaudited) as at March 31, 2019 (dollars)
Financial Information 2018–19 2017–18 Difference
(2018–19 minus 2017–18)
Total net liabilities 686,914 577,202 109,712
Total net financial assets 537,495 474,526 62,969
Departmental net debt 149,419 102,676 46,743
Total non-financial assets 919,836 1,112,414 (192,578)
Departmental net financial position 770,417 1,009,738 (239,321)

Total net liabilities increased over the last two years resulting from slight increases in both ongoing payables and allowance for vacation pay. Total net financial assets also increased due a rise in the amount due from the Consolidated Revenue Fund. This off-sets to a slight increase in departmental net debt.

The main variance is seen in the total non-financial assets, where the MPCC saw a decrease compared to the previous year. A decrease in capital asset acquisitions and an increase in amortization relating to leasehold improvements in 2017‑18 contribute to this result.

Supplementary information

Corporate information

Organizational profile

Appropriate minister: The Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence

Institutional head: Hilary C. McCormack, Chairperson

Ministerial portfolio: Defence Portfolio

Enabling instrument: Part IV of Canada's National Defence Act

Year of incorporation / commencement: 1998

For more information, please visit the MPCC website.

Raison d'être, mandate and role: who we are and what we do

"Raison d'être, mandate and role: who we are and what we do" is available on the Military Police Complaint Commission website.

For more information on the department's organizational mandate letter commitments, see the Minister's mandate letter.

Operating context and key risks

Information on operating context and key risks is available on the Military Police Complaint Commission website.

Supporting information on lower-level programs

Supporting information on lower level programs is available on the GC InfoBase.

Reporting Framework

The Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada Departmental Results Framework and Program Inventory of record for 2018‑19 are shown below:

Graphical presentation of Departmental Results Framework and Program Inventory of Record for 2019‑20
Core Responsibility Independent Oversight of the Military Police  
Departmental Results Framework Final Reports provide sound findings and recommendations and are issued in a timely manner.
  • Percentage of recommendations resulting from investigations of conduct or interference complaints are accepted by the responsible Department of National Defence authority (usually the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal).
  • Percentage of Final Decisions not overturned in Judicial Review.
  • Percentage of findings and recommendations issued in non-public interest cases within 18 months from the time disclosure is substantially received to the issuance of the interim report. It is recognized that there may be exceptionally complex cases which will not meet this indicator.

Information requests pertaining to complaint files are responded to in a timely manner.

  • Percentage of information requests initially responded to within 48 hours.

Military Police and the public have access to current information on the issues addressed by the MPCC.

  • Quarterly website updates of MPCC findings and recommendations through case summaries and MPCC Final Reports in public interest cases.
  • Number of outreach activities/presentations given on the mandate, roles and responsibilities of the MPCC.
  • Percentage of presentations to stakeholder or target groups that were received positively.
Internal Services
Program Inventory Complaints Resolution

Supporting information on the Program Inventory

Financial, human resources and performance information for the Military Police Complaints Commission's Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.

Supplementary information tables

The following supplementary information tables are available on the MPCC website.

Federal Tax expenditures

The tax system can be used to achieve public policy objectives through the application of special measures such as low tax rates, exemptions, deductions, deferrals and credits. The Department of Finance Canada publishes cost estimates and projections for these measures each year in the Report on Federal Tax Expenditures. This report also provides detailed background information on tax expenditures, including descriptions, objectives, historical information and references to related federal spending programs. The tax measures presented in this report are the responsibility of the Minister of Finance.

Organizational contact information

How to reach the Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada

  • Call our information line:
    613-947-5625 or toll free at 1-800-632-0566

  • Send us a fax:
    613-947-5713 or toll free at 1-877-947-5713

  • Send us a letter:
    Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada
    270 Albert Street, 10th Floor
    Ottawa, ON K1P 5G8

  • Visit us at the above address for a private consultation – appointments are recommended

  • Send us an email:

  • Visit our website:

Appendix: definitions

appropriation (crédit):
Any authority of Parliament to pay money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
budgetary expenditures (dépenses budgétaires):
Operating and capital expenditures; transfer payments to other levels of government, organizations or individuals; and payments to Crown corporations.
Core Responsibility (responsabilité essentielle):
An enduring function or role performed by a department. The intentions of the department with respect to a Core Responsibility are reflected in one or more related Departmental Results that the department seeks to contribute to or influence.
Departmental Plan (plan ministériel):
A report on the plans and expected performance of an appropriated department over a three-year period. Departmental Plans are tabled in Parliament each spring.
Departmental Result (résultat ministériel):
A Departmental Result represents the change or changes that the department seeks to influence. A Departmental Result is often outside departments' immediate control, but it should be influenced by program-level outcomes.
Departmental Result Indicator (indicateur de résultat ministériel):
A factor or variable that provides a valid and reliable means to measure or describe progress on a Departmental Result.
Departmental Results Framework (cadre ministériel des résultats):
Consists of the department's Core Responsibilities, Departmental Results and Departmental Result Indicators.
Departmental Results Report (rapport sur les résultats ministériels):
A report on an appropriated department's actual accomplishments against the plans, priorities and expected results set out in the corresponding Departmental Plan.
experimentation (exprimentation):
Activities that seek to explore, test and compare the effects and impacts of policies, interventions and approaches, to inform evidence-based decision-making, by learning what works and what does not.
full‑time equivalent (équivalent temps plein):
A measure of the extent to which an employee represents a full person‑year charge against a departmental budget. Full‑time equivalents are calculated as a ratio of assigned hours of work to scheduled hours of work. Scheduled hours of work are set out in collective agreements.
gender-based analysis plus (GBA+) (analyse comparative entre les sexes plus [ACS+]):
An analytical approach used to help identify the potential impacts of policies, Programs and services on diverse groups of women, men and gender differences. We all have multiple identity factors that intersect to make us who we are; GBA+ considers many other identity factors, such as race, ethnicity, religion, age, and mental or physical disability.
government-wide priorities (priorités pangouvernementales):
For the purpose of the 2018‑19 Departmental Results Report, those high-level themes outlining the government's agenda in the 2015 Speech from the Throne, namely: Growth for the Middle Class; Open and Transparent Government; A Clean Environment and a Strong Economy; Diversity is Canada's Strength; and Security and Opportunity.
horizontal initiatives (initiative horizontale):
An initiative where two or more departments are given funding to pursue a shared outcome, often linked to a government priority.
non‑budgetary expenditures (dépenses non budgétaires):
Net outlays and receipts related to loans, investments and advances, which change the composition of the financial assets of the Government of Canada.
performance (rendement):
What an organization did with its resources to achieve its results, how well those results compare to what the organization intended to achieve, and how well lessons learned have been identified.
performance indicator (indicateur de rendement):
A qualitative or quantitative means of measuring an output or outcome, with the intention of gauging the performance of an organization, program, policy or initiative respecting expected results.
performance reporting (production de rapports sur le rendement):
The process of communicating evidence‑based performance information. Performance reporting supports decision making, accountability and transparency.
plan (plan):
The articulation of strategic choices, which provides information on how an organization intends to achieve its priorities and associated results. Generally a plan will explain the logic behind the strategies chosen and tend to focus on actions that lead up to the expected result.
planned spending (dépenses prévues):
For Departmental Plans and Departmental Results Reports, planned spending refers to those amounts presented in Main Estimates.

A department is expected to be aware of the authorities that it has sought and received. The determination of planned spending is a departmental responsibility, and departments must be able to defend the expenditure and accrual numbers presented in their Departmental Plans and Departmental Results Reports.

priorities (priorité):
Plans or projects that an organization has chosen to focus and report on during the planning period. Priorities represent the things that are most important or what must be done first to support the achievement of the desired Strategic Outcome(s).
program (programme):
Individual or groups of services, activities or combinations thereof that are managed together within the department and focus on a specific set of outputs, outcomes or service levels.
result (résultat):
An external consequence attributed, in part, to an organization, policy, program or initiative. Results are not within the control of a single organization, policy, program or initiative; instead they are within the area of the organization's influence.
statutory expenditures (dépenses législatives):
Expenditures that Parliament has approved through legislation other than appropriation acts. The legislation sets out the purpose of the expenditures and the terms and conditions under which they may be made.
Strategic Outcome (résultat stratégique):
A long‑term and enduring benefit to Canadians that is linked to the organization's mandate, vision and core functions.
target (cible):
A measurable performance or success level that an organization, program or initiative plans to achieve within a specified time period. Targets can be either quantitative or qualitative.
voted expenditures (dépenses votées):
Expenditures that Parliament approves annually through an Appropriation Act. The Vote wording becomes the governing conditions under which these expenditures may be made.
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